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Friday, August 9, 2013

On Topic: Procrastination

As a blogger and a high school student struggling to meet far stretches of her own expectations, there's one word I know by heart. And I can almost guarentee you do too.


Oh, that glorious word that walks hand in hand with pulling all-nighters to finish an anatomy project or serious melt-downs during the last week of summer vacation from all that forgotten AP summer homework.

One second I'm typing furiously away at the keyboard going at my report, the next second I'm completely distracted and absorbed by some internet article about pickles.

Yes, procrastination is undeniably innate in our human characteristics.

It's not a hard choice whether to finish that research report due next week or to watch YET ANOTHER episode of Criminal Minds. {yes, it is my guilty pleasure}

But before you know it, time seems to literally fly out the window and your research report is due tomorrow morning!

 So what do you do?

Well, you rush the thought process and get the dirty job done. Turn it in. Get a C or lower grade.
Then you go home and cry.
And vow how you're never going to procrastinate ever, ever again...until the next season of Big Bang Theory comes on.

And so in this continued cycle of misery and heartbreak and failure, here's some great ideas to stop that procrastinating once and from all. 

Kate's DIY Help: How to Stop Procrastination 

1. Make a to-do list
This will make you feel accomplished and awesome every time you cross out n activity.


 2. Finish the hard stuff first
You'll feel like a weight has been lifted off and it gives motivation for the little things.

3. Do two minute tasks
Do the really simple, quick things on the list like take out the trash, feed the dog, call your in-laws (depends on your courage), and check your inbox.

4. Create a work only environment
Put that bag of Lays chips away, clear off the collection of paper receipts from your desk, and focus only on work. No social media, so keep that iphone far away.
5. Give yourself some breaktime
If you really can't seem to concentrate, take a break! Go for a 15 minute walk with your dog, eat a snack, take a nap, or go pee. But NEVER check up on social media, because that can last up to an hour.

6. Don't be a perfectionist
Get the job done, do the job right. But that doesn't mean every speck of dust needs to be handpicked off the shelf.

7. Grab a friend
Notice how I said "a" friend not "Friends"? This is strictly work time, not a nerd-get-together party. So keep the noise down and focus on work only topics; do not wander down into the "omg, stacy did you see what she wore yesterday" lane. Focus.

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