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Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Clockwork Orange Inspired GC

As I mentioned in the last post, my group and I chose to do our GC around the theme of A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. 

What is a GC you ask? 

Well good question.

GC stands for "grand conversation". All the AP English classes in my school partake in this gala of wonderful cinematography at least twice a year, once per semester. 
Basically a group of friends, no less than 4 and no more than 5, are assigned a great work of literature such as the East of Eden, Frankenstein, Death of a Salesman, etc, etc. 
We are then instructed to read the book within a month or so and discuss within our group the thematic meaning behind the book. A lot of discussion and heated debate goes on. 
Then we turn in a thematic statement of which we believe the book revolves around. 
With this theme we create our own story and plot and film an entire short movie around it, no more than 15 minutes long. 

The best part is watching the theme, editing, filming, and background music all come together and watch/laugh at each other's films in class.

I hope you enjoy watching my group's GC and I want to thank my friends Crystal, Robert, and Matt for being the best GC partners there are!

Theme: Is the individual's freedom of choice more important than the good of society?

very good (translated in Russia)

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