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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Break Down: Amusing Ourselves to Death

Here's a chapter by chapter breakdown of Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman, soapbox speech extraordinaire.



Compares two dystopian novels, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell.  He states he relates to Huxley

Part I: Background and historical analysis

Ch 1: “The Medium is the Metaphor”- “media-metaphor” concept that the medium the culture uses to convey its ideas influences the ideas. The television age is influencing our way of communication and ideas.

Ch 2: “Media as Epistemology”- the serious, facts and truths of a civilization are almost wiped away by the use of television as a way of relaying them.  In oral civilizations with spoken proverbs and passed down history, the truth is found in the orator. In a written culture, truth lies in documented papers. “Serious forms of discussion have turned into mere entertainment”

Ch 3-5: “Typographic America” influences the “Typographic Mind”- the decrease of literate population compared to that of the colonial times led to a decrease in rational discourse and rational thought. With the technology to perceive information from around the world w/ pictures, people became more interested in the collectiveness of irrelevant facts than in-depth, rational analyzation.

Part II: details the process by which media-metaphor infected our public discourse by valuing entertainment

Ch 6: “The Age of Show Business”- we now value the glamour and flashiness over substances of worth. Entertainment is our discourse topic now and it is watered down so much to mean even less than the actual entertainment itself. Television demands “rapid-fire editing” and “non-stop stimulation”, not “rational deliberation”.

Ch 7: “Now…This”- we no longer feel a part of the news we receive but rather only develop opinions on it. It doesn’t affect our lives. It’s merely for entertainment purposes only.

Ch 8-10: Examines other important public discourses that have been reduced to entertainment through the use of television as a medium

Ch 8: “Shuffle off to Bethlehem”- religion an empty spectacle on television, lacks power to deliver true religion

Ch 9: “Reach out and elect someone”- political elections became a battle of advertisements

Ch 10: “Teaching as an Amusing activity”:- television as a way of education only teaches children how to love tv- not learning.


“The Huxleyan Warning”- to become aware that television is only a means of media and to not let it control us.

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